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cara bikin mie ramen spesial

Asian Style Chicken and Cabbage Salad
2 paket mie Ramen, dimasak dan rusak baik
1 dada ayam utuh, dimasak dan cincang
1 kepala kubis, iris tipis
4 bawang bombay hijau
6 sdt cuka beras
2 sdt biji wijen panggang
¼ cangkir almond cincang panggang
1 sdt minyak wijen
4 sdt gula
½ cangkir minyak sayur
1 sdt merica
2 sdt garam
Dalam mangkuk besar, menggabungkan bersama-sama kubis iris, mie ramen, dada ayam, bawang hijau, biji wijen panggang dan almond panggang. Sekarang mari kita siapkan saus. Campur minyak sayur, cuka beras dan minyak wijen dalam sebuah mangkuk. Tambahkan gula, garam dan merica secukupnya. Tuangkan saus ini di atas salad. Tetap semalam sebelum melayani, sehingga semua rasa yang dikombinasikan dengan baik.
Cauliflower Chicken over Ramen Noodles

1 kantong kembang kol beku
1 paket mie Ramen rasa oriental
2 tanpa kulit, dada ayam tanpa tulang, potong 1 “potongan
1 bawang merah kecil, potong dadu
1 sdt kecap
1 sdm minyak zaitun cahaya-rasa
1 sdt mustard panas Jepang
Sejumlah kucai cincang
1 penumpukan sdt bawang putih cincang
½ sdt bubuk bawang putih
Garam dan merica
Masak mie Ramen dan tiriskan. Campuran mereka dengan bumbu paket. Jauhkan mie samping. Dalam panci, tambahkan bawang merah, bawang putih cincang, bawang putih bubuk, mustard dan kecap dalam 1 sdm minyak zaitun dipanaskan. Kemudian tambahkan ayam potong dadu untuk itu dan goreng sebentar. Dalam panci lain, didihkan kembang kol, sampai menjadi empuk. Kemudian tiriskan dan potong menjadi potongan kecil. Kemudian potongan kembang kol goreng dalam 1 sdt minyak zaitun. Tambahkan merica dan garam secukupnya. Dan kemudian tambahkan kucai untuk itu. Tuangkan kembang kol ke dalam wajan dengan ayam dan aduk dengan baik. Tempatkan mie Ramen disiapkan di piring saji dan menambahkan isi dari kembang kol-ayam hidangan untuk itu. Taburkan beberapa daun bawang dari atas piring dan tambahkan kecap. Sekarang hidangan mewah Anda siap untuk melayani.
Spicy Shrimp and Noodle Soup

2 paket udang atau oriental mie ramen rasa
1 £ udang
¼ sdt cabai bubuk
1 sdm air jeruk lemon
5 cangkir air
¼ sdt jintan tanah
2 cangkir salsa
1 / 8 sdt lada hitam
1 kaleng jagung
1 daun bawang, iris tipis
1 kaleng 15 oz kacang hitam, cuci dan tiriskan
Kupas dan udang devein. Dalam sebuah mangkuk sedang, aduk bubuk cabai, jus lemon, merica dan jintan.Tambahkan campuran ini ke udang dan campuran dengan baik. Memungkinkan untuk berdiri selama sekitar 20 menit. Dalam panci besar, membawa air mendidih. Tambahkan paket Ramen rasa dengan pengadukan. Istirahat mie Ramen menjadi potongan-potongan dan menambah air mendidih. Masak selama sekitar 1 menit. Tambahkan udang, kacang, salsa, bawang hijau dan jagung untuk mie. Panas, sampai udang berubah warna menjadi pink.

Tentang Gitar,Bass,Ukelele,Mandolin

Free PDF Guitar, Mandolin, and Ukulele Chord and Music Charts

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Acoustic Music TV's Chord and Music Charts

Acoustic Music TV is your source for free printable guitar, mandolin and ukulele chord and music charts that you can download and print out for your jam notebook. Each chart is set up on an 8.5 x 11 page, ready for 3 hole punching, easy to read, a great addition and a ready reference.

The collection of free charts include the seven basic chords showing Major, Minor and 7th chords. A chart with the Seven Keys in 1, 4, 5 and V7 progressions with fingering in first position, 5th and 6th string Barre Chords Charts. A movable Arpeggio Scales for Guitar, and Mandolin. Also available is a chart with movable soloing scales for the Minor Pentatonic Blues, Rock, and Latin scale and one for the Folk and Country scales. And Mandolin charts with full finger basic chords and the 2 finger chords, and the 1, 4, 5 progressions in two finger chords.

Also included is an ukelele chord chart including Major, Minor, and 7th and as an extra bonus blank sheet music for guitar, mandolin and violin. Our sheet music has the lines a little further than normal so it is easier to fill in the notes.

Each pdf file is a free downloadable printable chord chart, showing fingering and positions, and designed to be printed and 3 hole punched and used in your music jam book. Charts are produced so that they are easy to read and will be a ready reference for your playing.

So just sign up on You will need to confirm the email that you receive and then there will be a link to take you to the download page and your charts.

The Seven Basic Guitar Chords, Major, Minor, and 7th

All seven basic guitar chords A, B, C, D, E, F, G, with fingerings. for the Major, Minor and 7th Chords

Learn How to Play the Major Guitar Chords

Learn How to Play the Major Guitar Chords

Llearn how to play the major guitar chords in this step-by-step video above. Each chord, A, B, C, D, E, F and G is explained with an on screen chord chart and demonstration. The video shows the fingerings for each chord. Remember you can pause the video and repeat sections to learn more.

The Seven Keys with I, IV, V and V7 Chords in First Position

Chord chart for each of the 7 major keys with fingerings for the 1, 4, 5 progression. Including the 5 Seventh position
Chord chart for each of the 7 major keys with fingerings for the 1, 4, 5 progression. Including the 5 Seventh position

Learn How to Play the Minor Guitar Chords

Learn How to Play the Minor Guitar Chords

Learn how to play the Minor guitar chords in step-by-step video above from Each minor chord, Am, Bm, Cm, Dm, Em, Fm and Gm is demonstrated and includes an on screen chord chart. The video shows the fingerings for each plus gives you a source for downloading a free printable guitar chord chart from Acoustic Music TV. A great way to get the basic minor guitar chord charts and learn guitar chords.
Check our all of our music chord charts at

Learn How to Play the Guitar Seventh Chords

Learn How to Play Guitar 7th Chords

Learn how to play the Sevenths, 7ths, guitar chords in this step-by-step video from Each seventh chord, A7, B7, C7, D7, E7, F7 and Gm is demonstrated and includes an onscreen chord chart. The 7th chords are perfect for adding the bluezie feeling to your music and are essential for every player. The video shows the fingerings for each plus gives you a source for downloading a free printable guitar chord chart from AcousticMusicTV. A great way to get the basic sevenths guitar chord charts and learn guitar chords.

NoteBook Music Charts from

New pdf book of free Guitar, Mandolin, and Ukulele Chord Charts, Barre Cords, Arpeggio Scales, Moveable Soloing Scales and Sheet Music from
New pdf book of free Guitar, Mandolin, and Ukulele Chord Charts, Barre Cords, Arpeggio Scales, Moveable Soloing Scales and Sheet Music from

Guitar Barre Chords on the 5th String

Closed Barre Chords based on the notes of the 5th or A guitar string.
Closed Barre Chords based on the notes of the 5th or A guitar string.

Guitar Barre Chords Based on the 6th String

Guitar barre chords based on the notes of the 6th or E guitar string.
Guitar barre chords based on the notes of the 6th or E guitar string.

Combination Chart of 5th and 6th String Barre Chords

Barre chords based on the 5th or A and 6th or E guitar strings.
Barre chords based on the 5th or A and 6th or E guitar strings.

Major Movable Soloing Scale for Folk or Country Music, Any Key

Major Movable Soloing Scale for Folk or Country Music for any key.
Major Movable Soloing Scale for Folk or Country Music for any key.

Minor Penatonic Movable Soling Scale

Minor Pentatonic Movable Soling Scale for Blues, Rock or Latin Music for any key.
Minor Pentatonic Movable Soling Scale for Blues, Rock or Latin Music for any key.

Movable Arpeggio Scale for Any Guitar Key

Movable Arpeggio Guitar Scale for any key.
Movable Arpeggio Guitar Scale for any key.

Guitar and Mandolin Instrument Tuners

Intelli IMT500 Clip-on Chromatic Digital Tuner for Strings
Intelli IMT500 Clip-on Chromatic Digital Tuner for String Instruments. This is a great little tuner, whenever someone pulls out a Intelli everyone goes, wow what kind is that, very popular. Intelli IMT500 Clip-on Chromatic Digital Tuner with back light is designed to tune acoustic guitars, basses, violins, banjos, mandolins and more without interference from ambient room noise, all without the use of wires, microphones or pickups. Tuning in noisy environments is a easy because the unique, flexible clamp actually uses the instrument's vibrational energy instead of relying on sound. And, the swivel allows a perfect view of the back lit display. The best part is that this amazing quality tuner costs a fraction of what other similar tuners cost.
Amazon Price: $14.95
List Price: $39.95
Korg GA-30 Ultra Compact Guitar and Bass Tuner
Korg GA-30 Ultra Compact Guitar and Bass Tuner, These have been around a long time and do a great job of getting your guitar in tune. The Korg GA30 Guitar and Bass Tuner is an ultra-compact LCD needle-style dedicated tuner that delivers great convenience and performance. High accuracy and superb functionality have made Korg tuners the worldwide favorite. It's loaded with features like a pitch reference tone and quinta-flat tuning. This dedicated guitar (or bass) tuner packs basic functionality and convenient tuning functions into an ultra-compact body.
Amazon Price: $22.00
Korg AW-1 Compact Clip-On Chromatic String and Wind Tuner
Korg AW-1 Compact Clip-On Chromatic String and Wind Tuner. It is like you have a little space ship on your guitar or mandolin, kind of cool. Korg AW1 Clip On Acoustic and Wind Instrument Tuner The Korg AW1 is a compact, lightweight tuner, which provides quick, accurate, auto-chromatic tuning of traditional band and orchestra instruments, as well as acoustic guitar and bass. You can attach this ultra-lightweight chromatic tuner to your acoustic guitar or other string or wind instrument for easy and accurate tuning. The AW1 has a piezo pickup and a built-in microphone for reliable pitch detection. Other features include marks to indicate pure major or minor third intervals, a Meter Reverse function that lets you invert the display, adjustable calibration, and Auto Power Off battery conservation.
Amazon Price: $85.00

Mandolin Major, Minor and 7th Chords

Mandolin Major, Minor and 7th Chords, includes several alternatives, plus fret board diagram.
Mandolin Major, Minor and 7th Chords, includes several alternatives, plus fret board diagram.

Mandolin Two Finger Chords

Mandolin 2 finger chords. Easy to play and move around.
Mandolin 2 finger chords. Easy to play and move around.

2 Finger Mandolin Chords in I, IV, V Progression

2 Finger Mandolin Chords in the basic I, IV, V Progression
2 Finger Mandolin Chords in the basic I, IV, V Progression

Gig Bag Chord Books for Guitar, Mandolin & Ukulele

The Gig Bag Book of Mandolin Chords (Gig Bag Books)
The Gig Bag Book of Mandolin Chords. I see the gig bag books get pulled out all the time when a chord question comes up. Great resource. This book has over 1,100 chords presented with standard notation and diagrams that illustrate the fingering, inversion, and scale degrees for every chord. Several chord forms in different positions are given for common chords. This is the ultimate chord reference book for all mandolinists.
Amazon Price: $9.40
List Price: $14.99
Gig Bag Book Of Picture Chords For All Guitarisis In Color (Gig Bag Books)
Gig Bag Book Of Picture Chords For All Guitarisis In Color. Tons and tons of chords at your fingertips, easy to carry in your guitar bag. Contains nearly 1,000 standard chord forms presented in easy-to-read color-coded diagrams and clear, close-up full-color photos. Keep this handy reference in your gig bag and never be at a loss again.
Amazon Price: $12.68
List Price: $19.99
Ukulele Gig Bag Book Of Picture Chords (Gig Bag Series) (Gig Bag Books)
Ukulele Gig Bag Book Of Picture Chords. The Ukulele is getting more and more popular every day. The Gig Bag Books have a great reputation as a resource. The Gig Bag Book of Ukulele Chords contains over 1000 chord shapes for the ukulele. Chords are arranged by key and by type, making it easy to find just the right chords for your favorite songs.
Amazon Price: $9.76
List Price: $14.95

Mandoln Movable Arpeggio Scale for Any Key

Movable arpeggio scale for any Mandolin Key
Movable arpeggio scale for any Mandolin Key

Ukulele Chords

One of the newest music trends is the explosion of Ukulele music.
One of the newest music trends is the explosion of Ukulele music.

Blank Guitar Sheet Music

Blank Free Printable Guitar Composition Sheet
Blank Free Printable Guitar Composition Sheet

Blank Mandolin and Violin Sheet Music

Click thumbnail to view full-size